On Saturday, Small Fry and I had one of our most exciting days ever: we and 17,000 others went to see President Obama at Target Center.
We left at 9 am. We were finally seated at 12:15.
Being one who plans ahead, I figured we would need a little brunch during that time, but, given the security statements (no bags, no liquids, etc), I wasn't sure what to do. Would Target Center have their nacho stand open?
So we packed some PB and Js and some chips, put them in a purse-like bag and tried our luck.
Security checked our bag and squished our sandwiches, but we didn't get wanded. And when we finally got a seat, the wadded up PB & J wasn't all that bad.
Even better, the exhilaration of getting to see the President of the United States! A once-in-a-lifetime experience that neither of us will ever forget.
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