We started The Chicken Project last spring, with chicks from the farm store. They grew really fast, but then it seemed like there was a 2-3 month plateau - it took
f o r e v e r to get our first eggs. When we finally did, it's like they all decided at once it would be a good idea to start laying. We got a ton. Small Fry sells them (company name: Arrow Eggs and she has a logo, flyers and stickers for the egg cartons. Little entrepreneur.)
Now, I am finding that one of my hens is laying double-yolkers, and they are perfect for omelettes. In fact, my first attempt at an omelette, using Cook's Illustrated instructions, was the best omelette I've ever had. Sorry to boast but it's true. The eggs this hen is laying are too big to fit in the carton - too big for the indent, and the cover can't close over it.
Having fresh eggs is worth all the upkeep for the flock. And the colors are gorgeous. Most lay various size brown ones. Hedwig lays green ones. Even our little bantam, Legs, lays tiny little white eggs.
Breakfast for dinner - can't beat it.